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PIC Countdown Timer (0-99)

This project describes how to program PIC16F628A to function as a 00-99 min programmable timer. User can set any time between 00-99 minutes and can turn ON a device for that period. The device will be automatically turned OFF after the time expires. For demonstration, the ON/OFF condition of device is simulated by switching LED ON and OFF. With the use of three input switches (unit, ten, start/stop) the user can set ON time of the timer and can also control Start/Stop operation. The two time set switches are for selecting unit and tens digit of minute time interval (00-99). Once you set the value of minute interval, pressing the Start/Stop will turn the timer ON (LED will glow), and pressing the same button again at any point of time during timer operation will interrupt the process (LED will turn OFF) and the timer will be reset. LCD display will provide timer status and user interface for setting time.


Compiled using MikroC for PIC


  Project: PIC Countdown Timer (0-99)
  Vishal K M
  Jan 10, 2012


// LCD module connections
sbit LCD_RS at RA0_bit;
sbit LCD_EN at RA1_bit;
sbit LCD_D4 at RB4_bit;
sbit LCD_D5 at RB5_bit;
sbit LCD_D6 at RB6_bit;
sbit LCD_D7 at RB7_bit;
sbit LCD_RS_Direction at TRISA0_bit;
sbit LCD_EN_Direction at TRISA1_bit;
sbit LCD_D4_Direction at TRISB4_bit;
sbit LCD_D5_Direction at TRISB5_bit;
sbit LCD_D6_Direction at TRISB6_bit;
sbit LCD_D7_Direction at TRISB7_bit;
// End LCD module connections

// Tact switches and Relay ports
sbit Relay at RA3_bit;
sbit SS_Select at RB0_bit;    // Start Stop Timer Select
sbit Unit_Button at RB1_bit;  // Set unit min
sbit Ten_Button at RB2_bit;   // Set ten min

// Messages
char Message1[]="Timer by VISHAL";
char Message2[]="Device ON";
char Message3[]="Device OFF";
char Message4[]="Set Time:    min";
char Message5[]="Time Left:   min";
unsigned short i, j, unit=0, ten=0, ON_OFF=0, index=0, clear, time;
char *digit = "00";
// 300ms Delay
void Delay_300(){

void Display_Digits(){

void start_timer(unsigned short MinVal){
 unsigned short temp1, temp2;
 Relay = 1;
 ON_OFF = 1;
 OPTION_REG = 0x80 ;
 INTCON = 0x90;
 for (i=0; i<MinVal; i++){
  temp1 = (MinVal-i)%10 ;
  temp2 = (MinVal-i)/10 ;
  Lcd_Chr(2, 12, temp2+48);
  Lcd_Chr(2, 13, temp1+48);
  do {
  } while(((j<=60) && (Clear ==0)));
  if (Clear) {
   Relay = 0;
   INTCON = 0x00;
   goto stop;
 Relay = 0;
 ON_OFF = 0;
 unit = 0;
 ten = 0;
 clear = 1;

void interrupt(void){
  if (INTCON.INTF == 1)   // Check if INTF flag is set
    Clear = 1;
    INTCON.INTF = 0;       // Clear interrupt flag before exiting ISR

void main() {
  CMCON  |= 7;                       // Disable Comparators
  TRISB = 0b00001111;
  TRISA = 0b11110000;
  Relay = 0;

  Lcd_Init();                        // Initialize LCD
  clear = 0;
  Lcd_Cmd(_LCD_CLEAR);               // Clear display
  Lcd_Cmd(_LCD_CURSOR_OFF);          // Cursor off
  Display_Digits()  ;
 do {

     unit ++;
     if(unit==10) unit=0;
    } // If !Unit_Button

     ten ++;
     if(ten==10) ten=0;
    } // If !Ten_Button

     time = ten*10+unit ;
     if(time > 0) start_timer(time);
    } // If !SS_Select

     goto start;
   } while(1);

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  1. Which cristal frequency are you using? 4MhZ, 8Mhz, 20Mhz...

  2. I used 4Mhz, compiler will take care of the Cristal frequency u can use any of them.

  3. hi, hw to modify this circuit & coding if I don't want to use lcd? I want a 10-30 mins countdown timer with alarm (piezo buzzer) as audio output.

  4. How do you set the timer? If you are using a fixed timer its ok.

  5. sir i want its 4 digit for micro second, so what the program please help me

  6. Is it possible to get the code in asm format?


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