First, a quick history of RS232. What is RS232? It's just a name for a standard that has propagated from generation to generation of computers. The first computers had serial ports that used RS232, and even current computers have serial ports (or at least USB ports that act like RS232 ports). Back in the day, serial information needed to be passed from devices like printers, joysticks, scanners, etc to the computer. The simplest way to do this was to pass a series of 1s and 0s to the computer. Both the computer and the device agreed on a speed of information - 'bits per second'. A computer would pass image data to a printer at 9600 bits per second and the printer would listen for this stream of 1s and 0s expecting a new bit every 1/9600 = 104us (104 micro-seconds, 0.000104 seconds). As long as the computer output bits at the pre-determined speed, the printer could listen.
Zoom forward to today. Electronics have changed a bit. Before they were relatively high power, high voltage devices. The standard that is 'RS232' dictates that a bit ranges from -12V to +12V. Modern electronics do not operate at such high positive and negative voltages. In fact, our AVR runs 0V to 5V. So how do we get our 5V micro to talk the RS232 +/-12V voltages? This problem has been solved by the IC manufacturers of the world. They have made an IC that is generically known as the MAX232 (very close to RS232, no?).
The MAX232 is an IC originally designed by a company called Maxim IC that converts the +/-12V signals of RS232 down to the 0/5V signals that our AVR can understand. It also boosts the voltage of our AVR to the needed +/-12V of the RS232 protocol so that a computer can understand our AVR and vice versa. To get our AVR IC sending serial characters to a computer, we have to send these serial signals through a MAX232 circuit so that the computer receives +/-12V RS232 signals. Don't worry if you're working with a chip labeled 'ICL232' or 'ST232' - these are just generics of the MAX232. Everyone says 'MAX232'. The ICs all function the same and nearly all have the same pinout.
Zoom forward to today. Electronics have changed a bit. Before they were relatively high power, high voltage devices. The standard that is 'RS232' dictates that a bit ranges from -12V to +12V. Modern electronics do not operate at such high positive and negative voltages. In fact, our AVR runs 0V to 5V. So how do we get our 5V micro to talk the RS232 +/-12V voltages? This problem has been solved by the IC manufacturers of the world. They have made an IC that is generically known as the MAX232 (very close to RS232, no?).
The MAX232 is an IC originally designed by a company called Maxim IC that converts the +/-12V signals of RS232 down to the 0/5V signals that our AVR can understand. It also boosts the voltage of our AVR to the needed +/-12V of the RS232 protocol so that a computer can understand our AVR and vice versa. To get our AVR IC sending serial characters to a computer, we have to send these serial signals through a MAX232 circuit so that the computer receives +/-12V RS232 signals. Don't worry if you're working with a chip labeled 'ICL232' or 'ST232' - these are just generics of the MAX232. Everyone says 'MAX232'. The ICs all function the same and nearly all have the same pinout.
Schematic Diagram
The UART hardware module is available with a number of AVR MCUs. mikroC PRO for AVR UART Library provides comfortable work with the Asynchronous (full duplex) mode.
You can easily communicate with other devices via RS-232 protocol (for example with PC, see the figure at the end of the topic – RS-232 HW connection). You need a AVR MCU with hardware integrated UART, for example ATmega16. Then, simply use the functions listed below.
Important :
- AVR MCUs require you to specify the module you want to use. To select the desired UART, simply change the letter x in the prototype for a number from 1 to 4. Number of UART modules per MCU differs from chip to chip. Please, read the appropriate datasheet before utilizing this library.
- For the XMEGA family of MCUs change the X in the routine prototype with C0, C1, D0, D1, E0, E1, F0 or F1 (MCU dependent).
- Some of the AVR MCUs do not support UARTx_Init_Advanced routine. Please, refer to the appropriate datasheet.
- Some AVR MCUs have multiple UART modules. Switching between the UART modules in the UART library is done by the UART_Set_Active function (UART module has to be previously initialized).
Library Routines
- UARTx_Init
- UARTx_Init_Advanced
- UARTx_Data_Ready
- UARTx_Tx_Idle
- UARTx_Read
- UARTx_Read_Text
- UARTx_Write
- UARTx_Write_Text
- UART_Set_Active
Generic Routines
Prototype | void UARTx_Init(unsigned long baud_rate); |
Returns | Nothing. |
Description | Configures and initializes the UART module. The internal UART module module is set to :
Parameters :
Refer to the device data sheet for baud rates allowed for specific Fosc. ![]()
Requires | You'll need AVR MCU with hardware UART. UARTx_Init needs to be called before using other functions from UART Library. |
Example | // Initialize hardware UART1 and establish communication at 9600 bps UART1_Init(9600); |
Prototype | void UARTx_Init_Advanced(unsigned long baud_rate, char parity, char stop_bits); | ||||||||||||||||
Returns | Nothing. | ||||||||||||||||
Description | Configures and initializes UART module. Parameter baud_rate configures UART module to work on a requested baud rate. Parameters parity and stop_bits determine the work mode for UART, and can have the following values:
| ||||||||||||||||
Requires | MCU must have UART module. | ||||||||||||||||
Example | // Initialize hardware UART1 module and establish communication at 9600 bps, 8-bit data, even parity and 2 STOP bits UART1_Init_Advanced(9600, _UART_EVENPARITY, _UART_TWO_STOPBITS); |
Prototype | char UARTx_Data_Ready(); |
Returns |
Description | Use the function to test if data in receive buffer is ready for reading. |
Requires | UART HW module must be initialized and communication established before using this function. See UARTx_Init. |
Example | // If data is ready, read it: if (UART1_Data_Ready() == 1) { receive = UART1_Read(); } |
Prototype | char UARTx_Tx_Idle(); |
Returns |
Description | Use the function to test if the transmit shift register is empty or not. |
Requires | UART HW module must be initialized and communication established before using this function. See UARTx_Init. |
Example | // If the previous data has been shifted out, send next data: if (UART1_Tx_Idle() == 1) { UART1_Write(_data); } |
Prototype | char UARTx_Read(); |
Returns | Returns the received byte. |
Description | Function receives a byte via UART. Use the UARTx_Data_Ready function to test if data is ready first. |
Requires | The UART module must be initialized before using this routine. See UARTx_Init routine. |
Example | // If data is ready, read it: if (UART1_Data_Ready() == 1) { receive = UART1_Read(); } |
Prototype | void UARTx_Read_Text(char *Output, char *Delimiter, char Attempts); |
Returns | Nothing. |
Description | Reads characters received via UART until the delimiter sequence is detected. The read sequence is stored in the parameter output; delimiter sequence is stored in the parameter delimiter. This is a blocking call: the delimiter sequence is expected, otherwise the procedure exits (if the delimiter is not found). Parameters :
Requires | UART HW module must be initialized and communication established before using this function. See UARTx_Init. |
Example | Read text until the sequence “OK” is received, and send back what’s been received: UART1_Init(4800); // initialize UART1 module Delay_ms(100); while (1) { if (UART1_Data_Ready() == 1) { // if data is received UART1_Read_Text(output, "OK", 10); // reads text until 'OK' is found UART1_Write_Text(output); // sends back text } } |
Prototype | void UARTx_Write(char data_); |
Returns | Nothing. |
Description | The function transmits a byte via the UART module. Parameters :
Requires | MCU with the UART module. The UART module must be initialized before using this routine. See UARTx_Init routine. |
Example | unsigned char data_ = 0x1E; ... UART1_Write(data_); |
Prototype | void UARTx_Write_Text(char * UART_text); |
Returns | Nothing. |
Description | Sends text via UART. Text should be zero terminated. Parameters :
Requires | UART HW module must be initialized and communication established before using this function. See UARTx_Init. |
Example | Read text until the sequence “OK” is received, and send back what’s been received: UART1_Init(4800); // initialize UART1 module Delay_ms(100); while (1) { if (UART1_Data_Ready() == 1) { // if data is received UART1_Read_Text(output, "OK", 10); // reads text until 'OK' is found UART1_Write_Text(output); // sends back text } } |
Prototype | void UART_Set_Active(char (*read_ptr)(), void (*write_ptr)(unsigned char data_), char (ready_ptr)(), char (*tx_idle_ptr)()) |
Returns | Nothing. |
Description | Sets active UART module which will be used by the UART library routines. Parameters :
Requires | Routine is available only for MCUs with multiple UART modules. Used UART module must be initialized before using this routine. See UARTx_Init routine |
Example | UART1_Init(9600); // initialize UART1 module UART2_Init(9600); // initialize UART2 module RS485Master_Init(); // initialize MCU as Master UART_Set_Active(&UART1_Read, &UART1_Write, &UART1_Data_Ready, &UART1_Tx_Idle); // set UART1 active RS485Master_Send(dat,1,160); // send message through UART1 UART_Set_Active(&UART2_Read, &UART2_Write, &UART2_Data_Ready, &UART2_Tx_Idle); // set UART2 active RS485Master_Send(dat,1,160); // send through UART2 |
Prototype | char UART_Data_Ready(); |
Returns |
Description | Use the function to test if data in receive buffer is ready for reading. This is a generic routine which uses the active UART module previously activated by the UART_Set_Active routine. |
Requires | UART HW module must be initialized and communication established before using this function. See UARTx_Init. |
Example | // If data is ready, read it: if (UART_Data_Ready() == 1) { receive = UART_Read(); } |
Prototype | char UART_Tx_Idle(); |
Returns |
Description | Use the function to test if the transmit shift register is empty or not. This is a generic routine which uses the active UART module previously activated by the UART_Set_Active routine. |
Requires | UART HW module must be initialized and communication established before using this function. See UARTx_Init. |
Example | // If the previous data has been shifted out, send next data: if (UART_Tx_Idle() == 1) { UART_Write(_data); } |
Prototype | char UART_Read(); |
Returns | Returns the received byte. This is a generic routine which uses the active UART module previously activated by the UART_Set_Active routine. |
Description | Function receives a byte via UART. Use the UART_Data_Ready function to test if data is ready first. |
Requires | The UART module must be initialized before using this routine. See UARTx_Init routine. |
Example | // If data is ready, read it: if (UART_Data_Ready() == 1) { receive = UART_Read(); } |
Prototype | void UART_Read_Text(char *Output, char *Delimiter, char Attempts); |
Returns | Nothing. |
Description | Reads characters received via UART until the delimiter sequence is detected. The read sequence is stored in the parameter output; delimiter sequence is stored in the parameter delimiter. This is a blocking call: the delimiter sequence is expected, otherwise the procedure exits (if the delimiter is not found). Parameters :
This is a generic routine which uses the active UART module previously activated by the UART_Set_Active routine. |
Requires | UART HW module must be initialized and communication established before using this function. See UARTx_Init. |
Example | Read text until the sequence “OK” is received, and send back what’s been received: UART_Init(4800); // initialize UART1 module Delay_ms(100); while (1) { if (UART_Data_Ready() == 1) { // if data is received UART_Read_Text(output, "OK", 10); // reads text until 'OK' is found UART_Write_Text(output); // sends back text } } |
Prototype | void UART_Write(char data_); |
Returns | Nothing. |
Description | The function transmits a byte via the UART module. Parameters :
This is a generic routine which uses the active UART module previously activated by the UART_Set_Active routine. |
Requires | MCU with the UART module. The UART module must be initialized before using this routine. See UARTx_Init routine. |
Example | unsigned char data_ = 0x1E; ... UART_Write(data_); |
Prototype | void UART_Write_Text(char * UART_text); |
Returns | Nothing. |
Description | Sends text via UART. Text should be zero terminated. Parameters :
This is a generic routine which uses the active UART module previously activated by the UART_Set_Active routine. |
Requires | UART HW module must be initialized and communication established before using this function. See UARTx_Init. |
Example | Read text until the sequence “OK” is received, and send back what’s been received: UART_Init(4800); // initialize UART1 module Delay_ms(100); while (1) { if (UART_Data_Ready() == 1) { // if data is received UART_Read_Text(output, "OK", 10); // reads text until 'OK' is found UART_Write_Text(output); // sends back text } } |
The tutorial demonstrates a simple data exchange via UART. When AVR MCU receives data, it immediately sends it back. If AVR is connected to the PC (see the figure below), you can test the example from the mikroC PRO for AVR terminal for RS-232 communication, menu choice Tools › Terminal.
char uart_rd;
void main() {
UART1_Init(9600); // Initialize UART module at 9600 bps
Delay_ms(100); // Wait for UART module to stabilize
while (1) { // Endless loop
if (UART1_Data_Ready()) { // If data is received,
uart_rd = UART1_Read(); // read the received data,
UART1_Write(uart_rd); // and send data via UART
awesome tutorial keep-it up
ReplyDelete#device ADC=10
#fuses HS,NOWDT
#use delay(clock=4000000)
#use rs232(baud=57600,parity=N,xmit=PIN_C6)
#bit LCD_RS=0x8.2 //0x5.3
#bit LCD_RW=0x8.0 //0x5.2
#bit LCD_EN=0x8.3 //0x5.1
#byte LCD_DATA=8
#define LCD_STROBE() ((LCD_EN=1),(LCD_EN=0))
void lcd_char(unsigned char c);
int16 value,value1;
char w,x,y,z,p,q;
unsigned char str1[]="L:";
void main()
setup_adc_ports (ALL_ANALOG);
this is my code for light intensity. by using this code i saw the result on LCD. can any one tell me by adding what i saw this result on pc. i am using rs232 for communication. i have max232 i know how to connect but what modification are needed in this code so i saw on pc.the LCD function have properly work
See this post
How can I see or download Source file for these functions???
ReplyDeleteThis is my AVR Atmega16a code using 16MHz oscillator , i am expecting some character in hyperterminal window thats all,
ReplyDeletemy result is ......... in hexa 00 00 00 00 pls help me some one , i appreciating them :) pls
* uart.c
* Created: 03-06-2014 PM 04:20:03
* Author: srinivas
#define F_CPU 16000000UL
#define BAUD 9600
#define BAUDRATE ((F_CPU)/(BAUD*16UL)-1)
// function to init uart
void uart_init (void)
UCSRC = (0<>8);
UCSRB = (1<<TXEN)|(1<<RXEN);
UCSRC = (1<<URSEL)|(0<<USBS)|(3<<UCSZ0);
void uart_transmit (unsigned char data)
while (!( UCSRA & (1<<UDRE)));
UDR = data;
void uart_string(char *str )
// function to rec data
unsigned char uart_recieve (void)
while(!(UCSRA & (1<<RXC)));
return UDR; //8bit data
int main()
uart_transmit ('g');
return 0;
............ .................
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