SuperDuino is perfect for Professionals, Hobbyists and University Students . SuperDuino is featured on TechCrunch It’s a clever, cool little product and could be useful for wearables experimenters and micro-Flappy Bird fans . Comments By John Biggs TechCrunch. Addons -Specification: USB Programmable (Micro USB Connector ) 16Mhz / 32Khz System clock Two 8-bit Timer/Counters with Separate Prescaler and Compare Mode One 16-bit Timer/Counter with Separate Prescaler, Compare Mode, and Capture Mode Real Time Counter with Separate Oscillator Six PWM Channels8-channel 10-bit ADC USARTMaster/Slave SPI Byte-oriented 2-wire Serial Interface (I2C)On-chip Analog Comparator Interrupt and Wake-up on Pin Change23 Programmable I/O Lines 1.7" 128X160 16bit color TFT LCD USB / CR2032 coin cell ( Can charge rechargeable cell ) / 3-12V Supply operated 3 axes Accelrometer ( can detect single click,double click,up,down,left,right tilt ) 2.54mm I...
This blog is dedicated for Internet Of Things, Embedded Projects and Tutorials. ARM, AVR, PIC, 8051, Arduino, ESP8266, ESP32, Raspberry PI Projects and Tutorials are discussed here.