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Showing posts from October, 2014

Surveillance Robot Camera (SUROCAM)

Here is a demo video:   This project was build based on idea on how to make a simple and cheap online surveillance camera robot that everyone can build. Not only that the robot also have to be easy to use and maintain. Using the raspberry pi, few cheap components, a robot chassis/RC car, and webiopi tutorial on the MagPi magazine this project was successfully build. For launching this robot to be accessible online, ngrok service from is used. Without any hectic and difficult port forwarding configuration this robot now can be controlled from anyone in the world by just using firefox or chrome browser.   No soldering is required to build this robot because I use jumper wire to connect all necessary connection between the GPIO to the L298n motor driver module, and then i connect the two dc motor to the mounting hole on the L298n module. Read More

Smart Cap – DIY Head Mounted Display Project

Head mounted displays are definitely the latest fad that’s going around town now. You might have seen several wearable displays such as the google glass, and many others including virtual reality systems like the oculus rift. Head mounted displays are primarily used for video sharing, navigation, checking notifications, etc. However, several pioneers argue that the quintessential use for it have not yet been identified. But, if you ever wanted to build one for yourself from scratch, and are not willing to pay 1500$ just to experience its functionalities, then this DIY Head Mounted Display project is for you. This DIY hacking tutorial will show you how you can make your own head mounted , virtual reality or augmented reality displays. I have built a “Smart Cap” , first of its kind , having a head mounted display on it. Here, I will instruct on how to build a monocular wearable display that runs on the raspberry pi as seen in the picture above. The syst...

Project Jarvis - A.I Home Automation & Assistant

Key Features (At a Glance) - A.I Home Automation - Energy Savings Efficiency - Voice Recognition and Speech Synthesis - Enhanced Security and Safety - Entire House Wide Virtual Assistant - Sleep Pattern Tracking - World Wide Web Enabled Home Automation - Custom Android Application and Computer Software - Low Cost (Under $200) - Research Report Compilation, Question Answering (Including mathematical equations) - Any hacked appliance or device can work with this system Jarvis In-Depth Intelligent Automation Jarvis is the name of Iron Man's computer system which manages his home, hence the name of this project. The main aspect of Project Jarvis is to help save electricity in your home which then helps save the Earth and of course, helps save a bit more money each month. The electricity usage is logged per room into an SD card on an open source micro controller such as an Arduino or Raspberry Pi, I chose Arduino. The code on the MCU then interacts with a larger...