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Showing posts from December, 2018

My ESP8266 Just Wished Me Happy New Year, Did Yours?

Happy New Year 2019 Video Tutorial Clone the repository url :- Code is available under Arduino/WishMe folder as WishMe.ino HTML for the web page is available in data folder as index.html Change wifi username and password,I connect to my modem The webpage is flashed as SPIFFS ESP8266 File System for more details about it :- Flash both bin and data Open Serial monitor for IP Go to above IP in your browser Please write a comment if any steps need to be elaborated

Configure Arduino IDE for ESP8266 NodeMCU and LED Blink Example

When the power of ESP and simplicity of Arduino comes together we can create magic. Lets see how we can do this. The port for ESP8266 is created by ESP Community , which we can imagine require tremendous amount of work. Thank you guys. Video Tutorial  They have posted a link to get the configuration for Arduino here Copy the link In the Arduino IDE open preferences find input field Additional Board Manager URLs and paste the link there and click OK to close the window. Open Board Manager from Tools -> Board -> Board Manager Search for esp8266 -> Install the one by ESP community Done, Now you can create your first project using ESP8622