This is a simple voltmeter which measures 0-5V at a precision of 4.8 mV. This is a simple design using inbuilt ADC of PIC 16F877A. PIC 16F877A have 8 channel 10bit ADC. Measured voltage is displayed on 16x2 LCD display. Using one of the most popular 8 bit PIC 16f877A, for instance, reading the datasheet , we'll find that the ADC modules (10 bit) are controlled by four different registers. The first two, ADCON0 and ADCON1 , are used to set and start the ADC module. When high level language is used, the programmer doesn't need to care a lot of the register connected to the results because they are normally stored in a variable by a routine of the language itself ( adc_read , for instance, using mikroc). The ADCON0 As we can see this registers are 8 bit registers where. - bit6 and bit 7 are used to set the frequency of the conversions. - bits 3, 4 and 5 are used to select the pins of the microcontroller enabled to theadc conversions. - bit 2 represents the sta...
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