Voltmeter C# Arduino, PIC, AVR This program is developed in C# (C sharp). It needs .NET framework 4.0 to work. For the circuit and other details of the project go to the Link. Click on the image to download the program. PC Based Digital Voltmeter Using PIC 16F877A Code modification of existing project /**********************************************/ /* http://www.facebook.com/EmbeddedProjects http://microcontrollerprojects00.blogspot.in/ Author: Vishal K M uC:16F877A Compiler: mikroC Crystal freq: 4MHz */ /**********************************************/ unsigned long temp; unsigned i...
This blog is dedicated for Internet Of Things, Embedded Projects and Tutorials. ARM, AVR, PIC, 8051, Arduino, ESP8266, ESP32, Raspberry PI Projects and Tutorials are discussed here.