Interrupt of PIC 16F877A Features of the external interrupt that we will use. The interrupt is triggered by an input on RB0, either ( depending on how we set it up ) as the signal goes from 0 to 1, called the rising edge, or as the signal goes from 1 to 0, called the falling edge. This sets the interrupt flag, and if the interrupt is enabled ( and we are not already in an interrupt ) the microcontroller goes to the interrupt subroutine. The use of the RB0/Int to manage interrupt externally generated requires the setting of a couple of registers of the picmicro: INTCON and OPTION_REG It should be clear that the use of RB0/Int function of a picmicro requires the setting of the: GIE (7): set to 1 to enable global interrupts INTE (4): set to 1 to enable interrupts on pin RB0 PEIE (6): to disable other periferal interrupts and the set of the INTEDG bit(6) of the OPTION_REG register simply to select the...
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