Click Here For Character LCD Basics Lcd Library The mikroC PRO for 8051 provides a library for communication with Lcds (with HD44780 compliant controllers) through the 4-bit interface. An example of Lcd connections is given on the schematic at the bottom of this page. For creating a set of custom Lcd characters use Lcd Custom Character Tool. External dependencies of Lcd Library The following variables must be defined in all projects using Lcd Library : Description : Example : extern sfr sbit LCD_RS: Register Select line. sbit LCD_RS at P2_0_bit; extern sfr sbit LCD_EN: Enable line. sbit LCD_EN at P2_1_bit; extern sfr sbit LCD_D7; Data 7 line. sbit LCD_D7 at P2_5_bit; extern sfr sbit LCD_D6; Data 6 line. sbit LCD_D6 at P2_4_bit; extern sfr sbit LCD_D5; Data 5 line. sbit LCD_D5 at P2_3_bit; extern sfr sbit LCD_D4; Data 4 line. sbit LCD_D4 at P2_2_bi...
This blog is dedicated for Internet Of Things, Embedded Projects and Tutorials. ARM, AVR, PIC, 8051, Arduino, ESP8266, ESP32, Raspberry PI Projects and Tutorials are discussed here.